PSD to HTML, the art of the CSS reset and Gladwell’s 10,000 hours to mastery

PSD to HTML, the art of the CSS reset and Gladwell’s 10,000 hours to mastery

Occassionette siteThis month I had the privilege to attend Zoe Rooney’s GDI PSD to HTML workshop. Lots of really good changes in my professional life right now, one of them being a new job in the city of Brotherly Love. I have been wrapping my head around Object Oriented CSS (here is  agreat intro from Smashing Magazine, SASS, git workflows and more. Also, been having a lot  of fun grabbing some random PSDS from around the web and converting the into HTML, CSS and some jQuery.

Working Projects are all on gitHub

The only way to get comfortable with CSS transforms, contained floats, the magic of  ‘overflow:hidden’ and other great tricks is to simply sit down, spend a few hours and just do it. Spend as many hours as you can (10,000 to achieve mastery 🙂   ) You will learn most from your mistakes as endless googling for answers eventually gets you to where you want to be in your layout….and a few great “aha!” moments.

Here are some resources for you to peek at if you want to begin hitting some PSD to HTML practice on your own:

Finally, I would like to thank two amazing developers, Zoe and Cat for always taking the patient time to answer my questions withhelpful hints along the way.


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