Author: Cassandra King

Technology Issue

Getting myself in the ‘Full-stack’ frame of mind!

I have been a front-end developer for many years, and had been able to sort of keep moving along, career-wise, as a self-taught, inner-motivated person. Always picking up classes on new coding topics here and there…but, only able to learn many of these new skills in a shallow way. The demands of life and work […]

Git github Version Control

Basic git/github Concepts for Newbies

Repository (slang: Repo): Location on github that stores a snapshot of a project. It includes: snapshots of changes and commits in a history. Names of Repos: Upstream points to the source projects on github. Origin  points to   the  forked copy in github of the source. Master is the local copy on your development system. So when you work locally, you can merge master with origin/master […]

.NET CSS Ruby SASS Visual Studio

Alternative SASS Solutions for NET, The Good and the Bad

SASS: Native Ruby + SASS Good: Fastest server compilation Good: Able to use latest versions of SASS, including all relevant options via flags to the sass and scss command-line executables Bad: Setup time is more intensive than with a pre-built extension or plugin for VS Bad: Every front end dev workstation needs ruby setting up Bad: More difficult for […]

.NET CSS SASS Visual Studio

Integrating SASS into .NET using NuGet and Squishit SASS

NuGet is the package manager (extension) for the Microsoft development platform including .NET that makes it easy to install and update third-party libraries and tools in Visual Studio. it makes managing dependencies in your application a lot simpler.   Nu Get Installation Go to Visual Studio 2010 Menu –> Tools Select Extension Manager […]

CSS Image Optimization Javascript

Front End Tricks, Tools to Speed up and Optimize Your Workflow: FREE

Over the past year or so, I have discovered a few indispensable tools that make the Front end workflow go way smoother and faster, you should give them a try. CSS No need to reload your page, simply add this bookmarklet to your browser toolbar and you can see your CSS changes instantly without full […]

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