I have been meaning to share a few tools that I use for my web development process. I’ve been testing out Brackets IO, but it still sorta misbehaves with SASS. It’s a tad slower, but it has some nifty features right out the the box that typically you have to add to SublimeText2 in via […]
One Law Professor Creates a Teachable Moment out of the Web Blackout of January 18, 2012
Yesterday, Junuary 18, 2012, thousands of websites perticipated in a virtual anti-SOPA/PIPA sit-in: Google, Reddit, Wired, Craigslist, Wikipedia, WordPress, Mozilla, MoveOn.org, and O’Reilly to name a few. Widener University School of Law’s Professor Tonya Evans joined the list of internet sites and created a teachable moment for her students: She explains: We’re doing a law […]
WordPress MU, Muah!!
WordPress MU has become an indispensable tool for building out vanity and other stand alone sites outside of the established .NET/ASP Content Management System (CMS) used for our main site. I have been able to implement  a variety of sites, from simple to complex, thanks, in part, to the availablity of free plug-ins that […]
DrupalCamp Philadelphia: A Tasty, Open Source Success!
I’m really happy that Nathan Gasser and Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg made this happen in Philadelphia. The sessions were divided into Beginner and Experienced. I sat through all but one of the novice sessions and was inspire by, not only the great number of attendees from the East Coast, but by the passion for Drupal displayed by […]
Drop it Like it’s Drupal!
Ok, Drupal is Sexy and it’s Hot! I just spent two days at the Higher Education Web Symposium 2008 hosted by UPenn Medicine. First, the UPenn staff did an amazing job. Kudos to UPenn and in particular Ben Adams, the choreographer of the event! I was lucky enough to meet Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg, a Drupal Evangelist […]
The Buzz: Create Your OWN Social Network
I recently joined the University Webmasters Social Network (http://cuwebd.ning.com/) on NING. The flexibility that Ning, and similar (what I call) “SockNet” sites has big and positive implications for smaller Universities in particular. One-stop centralized do-it-yourself solutions like these can be leveraged in a variety of ways to bring University communities closer together: faculty and students […]
One Laptop Per Child UPDATE: BOGO – Buy one get one!
Update on the One Laptop Per Child initiative: Starting on November 12, 2007 - you can help by buying one and donating one.
One Laptop Per Child Project Continues to Inspire
This project that offers laptops, the XO, to the underdeveloped countries of the world is truly astounding on both a humanitarian and a technological level. A surprisingly well-written and insightful review by a 12-year old appeared in August of this year. How It CONNECTS This box connects wirelessly to the ‘net and other XO users […]
iPhone for the Ubuntu Crowd
This Open Moko Neo 1973 Linux handset is probably what the iPhone SHOULD be: a gadget to freely tweak and customize. the Open Moko software is in very early ‘pre-alpha’. It’s about the size of a Treo 700, with a significantly longer screen ( not wider) VGA display supports 640 x 480 (better than the […]
I Just Got Free Tuition at M.I.T.
… ahem. Ok, let me clarify: I’m a virtual student over at ocw.mit.edu. The OpenCourseWare site at M.I.T. gives me access to over 4,000 free online courses. For some reason, I’m hooked on the Psych. lectures in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences area. I listened to all of Intro to Psych 2004. Prof. Jeremy Wolfe […]