I’m not alone in noting that Barack Obama’s campaign is showing one of the most sophisticated uses of typography during an election year in recent memory. Consistency in the elegant use of the Gotham typeface and the distinctive graphical elements that carry through from print to web to television are a graphic designer’s dream come true. Interestingly, there have been psychoanalyses of campaign typography and what it says about the candidates themselves. Had Obama designers used Comic Sans or Time Roman instead of Gotham , would have certainly affected our perception (albeit subliminally) of the candidate, his message, his political persona. However sophisticated the Obama design, however, the polls show McCain/Palin (using a flared sans typeface) and Obama/Biden tied in a tough battle to the whitehouse. How interesting, this quote from the Boston Globe interview with Sam Berlow and Cyrus Highsmith of The Font Bureau, Inc. in Boston: “If we were to predict the results based on typography and design, we would pick McCain and Obama.”